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Page P7 165 Chapter 9 G 4 Satin Stitch (density) (Input of the password is necessary) Set stitch length (a in the figure below) that is regarded as Satin stitch. Stitches of the setting value or less will be regarded as Satin stitch. 5 Satin Stitch (Expansion) (Input of the password is necessary) This setting sets up an adding amount to a stitch that was judged as Satin stitch in above 4 Satin stitch (density). 1/2 (b) of the set value will be added to both sides of the stitch (c) respectively. Setting range: 0.4 to 1.0 mm Example: Regard the stitch of 0.8 mm or less as Satin stitch. It is effective when "3. Satin Stitch (Area)" is set to "Whole" or "Part". Setting range: -1.0 to +1.0 mm Example: Add 0.6 mm. b is 0.3 mm in this example. 4 Satin stitch (density) 0.8 mm G 8 a 5 Satin Stitch (Expansion) 0.6 mm G 6 b b c QS11