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50 To input a design to machine memory Chapter 4 RR04 (7) Read the bar code using a bar code reader. If the bar code of the design to be embroidered next is read during machine operation, the preread design will be set at the end of the current embroidery design and then a yellow bar will be displayed. (Pre-reading of the next design) When performing the following operation, the yellow key will disappear. The preread design requires the following conditions. Bar codes can be printed by the print function of DG/ML by Pulse. Bar codes can be read from the below screen. In addition, bar codes can be read also from the following screens. Screen 4100, Screen 4150 A Screen 2000 Yellow bar 1. When performing panel operation 2. When the machine is started/stopped 3. When the power is turned ON again, etc. 1. Only one design is prereadable. 2. When the bar codes are read plural times during operation, the last read design will be selected. 3. When suspending to embroider a design during operation and setting the data of another design, the preread disign will be deleted. 4. When suspending to embroider some design during operation and setting the data of the preread design, read the bar code again.